La collection Travel Well de chez Element Skateboards ne sont pas que de simples skateboards mais offrent une alternative de transport en milieu urbain tout en faisant de l’exercice en protégeant la nature. Au look rétro, les boards ont été réalisés par Chuck Hults et Rodney Smith et comprend cinq formes uniques en bambou, érable, chêne et noyer. Mon choix est fait et vous ?
Element Skateboards announces a special skateboard release called « Travel Well » and shaped by industry veterans Chuck Hults and Rodney Smith which comprise of five unique shapes in bamboo, maple, oak, and walnut.
« Element Skateboards Travel Well – As our world’s pollution rate rises and resources deplete, our youth grow obese while relying upon cars as their only source of transportation. With the short distances most of us cover in our daily commutes, skateboarding becomes the ideal option of urban travel. Skateboarding promotes exercise, does not pollute the air and reduces our dependency on fossil fuels. Using a skateboard as a vehicle is our most efficient form of sustainable energy transportation…and it’s fun. »