Ardentees est une nouvelle marque de T-Shirts mêlant l’univers de la mode à celui de l’art. La nouvelle collection est en édition limitée et a été imaginée par une myriade d’artistes venant du monde entier. Cette collaboration, où les artistes peuvent laisser libre court à leur imagination, nous propose des pièces uniques que l’on peut aisément assimilée à des œuvres d’art !
Ardentees is an intriguing visual exploration of the symbiotic relation between fashion and art. We bring to you the creative brainchild of the most exciting and promising artists on a wearable canvas. The limited edition collection is the showcase and dissemination of designs from a myriad of emerging artists from all over the world, put together with the mind to create an avenue for artistic experimentation and stimulate creativity. Through the collaboration with this new breed of creatives, we offer a unique, statement-making and audacious piece of collectible for its wearer. Each design was created and chosen for the individualist in everyone. Ardentees will usher in 9 new collectible tee-shirt designs with the debut of its first collection, HOLLER! Take a look.