Always at the forefront of technology, TUMI highlights its new locking system X-Frame in its new range of Tegris suitcase that combines ease of opening and flexibility. Triggered by a closing 3 points, no zip, the new TUMI suitcase allows quick opening and an infallible safety device. The design of the Tegra-Lite X Frame is strong and resistant but also waterproof. The focus on the details values the enhanced appearance of the suitcase, accented by colorful Tegris multilayer and single cut model. One of the two suitcases of Tegris uses a new technique for using the T-Graphite. Worked in layers, this new bicolor model takes a futuristic air.
TumiNew Tegra-Lite X-Frame by Tumi
By viacomit, in Style. Monday May 2nd, 2016