When Samsung unveiled its new Gear 360 camera alongside the Galaxy S7 series at Mobile World Congress, he forgot to tell us how much it would cost. Now we know the price of this camera to be launched in the coming months. Samsung Gear 360 carries two sensors CMOS 15 MP and has two ultra-wide-angle lenses of 195 degrees. The camera is capable of capturing pictures and videos at 360 degrees with a resolution of 3840×1920 (Sub UHD) performs 360° photos of 30 megapixels and is equipped with optical aperture f / 2.0. This makes it ideal for shooting content for VR headsets like the Gear VR, but it can also be used to take pictures or shoot with one of the two lenses to capture the action at 180° and enjoy a wide angle. Thus, the Samsung Gear 360 is an alternative to other 360 cameras and market was announced at a price of $ 349.99. As for availability, is planned for the 2nd quarter, which means that it will happen anytime between now and the end of June.
cameraSamsungSamsung Gear 360Samsung Gear 360 Gets Priced
By viacomit, in High Tech. Sunday April 10th, 2016