La Boîte Concept shows up its last creation, the LP160, a top-of-the-range acoustic speaker shaped in an elegant and design desk, made with hood and massiv aluminium. It took 3 years to that french society to reproduice sound like a natural listening with a set of 8 loudspeakers, amplifyings and converters. Between tradition and modernity, a record deck or a CD Player can take place in center of LP160 but is also made for all new supports (smartphone, tablets,…). Thanks to its size (80x90x49) and its ultra elegant design, it can be use as a little desk or a writing desk. Available now at La Boîte Concept retailers such as Retrofutur.
La Boite conceptLa Boite Concept LP 160Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site web. Si vous continuez à utiliser ce site, nous supposerons que vous en êtes satisfait.Ok