The exploration of materials and shapes produces new silhouettes at Walter Van Beirendonck.In the simplicity of a simple garage last season, we are taken to the living rooms of the Hotel Evreux in the heart of the Place Venôme for the Walter Van Beirendonck show. This ability to change venue and spirit is reflected perfectly in the clothes where the exploration of materials and shapes produces these new silhouettes. The long, transparent plastic tunics are worn over colourful, tailored trousers from the name of the designer to the size. The coats draped over the arms become capes and contrast and play with duality, with different fabrics on the back and dreamlike designs. The collages and assembles always have their importance like the tricks of the eye through these XXL jewelry. To note especially, the piece of jewellery representing an anal plug, in reference to the giant artwork by Paul McCarthy erected in the Place Vendôme which was eventually removed after numerous complaints.
styleWalter Van BeirendonckWalter Van Beirendonck – Menswear Show Fall/Winter 2015/16
By viacomit, in Style. Thursday January 29th, 2015