For 25 years, Bench revisits the hoody and makes this classic a basic clothing in our wardrobes. Nursery self-taught artists and designers, the British brand was born in Manchester and imposes its style inspired by street culture and underground. This January, Bench launches #LoveMyHood contest, real tribute to this second skin clothing and asks three iconic Parisian tattoo artists to create an exclusive design to “dress” their hoodie: L’Encrerie with the team of Walter Hego, Mystery Tattoo Club with the artist Easy Sacha and Exxxotic Tattoos represented by Tiasma, create new drawings and defending the colors of their art, but also their Parisians “hoods”. Submitted to votes on Bench Facebook fan page, favirite design will be produced in a limited edition hand and sold at tattoo shop winner … you have until January 15 to vote …
BenchEasy SachaExxxotic TattoosL'EncrerieMystery Tattoo ClubTiasmaWalter HegoBench #LoveMyHood
By viacomit, in Style. Friday January 9th, 2015