Until November 15, Chevignon launches # UrbanHunt and goes on the hunt to find the 10 designers who realize its new collection of t-shirts. For track worldwide, Yoann Le Creurer, brand head designer launched a large beaten on the Internet. All amateurs and professionals in the field of graphic arts, design, drawing, street art or fashion may register until 15 November on UrbanHunt website. To participate they must choose one of the emblems of the brand and integrate it into an iconic graphic techniques of five cities around the world: the tag / graffiti for New York, calligraphy for Hong Kong, art lethal for Mexico, tribal art for Cape Town and tattoo for Paris. Then socialise … The hunt is on!
ChevignonstyleChevignon #UrbanHunt Contest
By viacomit, in Style. Thursday October 30th, 2014