Le new-yorkais Foster Huntington vient d’initier un site intitulé “The Burning House” suite à la publication d’une photo qu’il a publié sur son blog et quia suscité beaucoup de commentaires. L’idée du site “The Burning House” est d’inviter les internautes à poster des photos des objets qu’ils prendraient si leur maison était en flammes. Et vous, si votre maison brûlait, qu’emporteriez vous ?
Foster Huntington just started a website called “The Burning House” following the publication of a photo he posted on his blog, which attracted much comment. The idea of the site “The Burning House” is to invite users to post photos of things they would take if their house was burning. If your house was burning, what would you take with you?
Foster Huntingtonphotographerphotography