Matox et ses graffitis… Je vous invite à découvrir les créations de Matox, un graphiste portugais. De son vrai nom, Nuno de Matos, cet artiste est originaire d’une petite ville à côté de Lisbonne. Il grandit au pied de l’atelier de Jean Lurçat, bien loin de la culture du street art. C’est en grandissant et en flânant dans les rues de Lisbonne et de Barcelone, que son amour pour les tags naît. Il alimente sa passion en s’intéressant aux peintures rupestres, principalement celles de Lascaux et du Mec Merle. Ces graffitis sont pour lui des espaces multidimensionnels à développer et à expérimenter.
Nuno de Matos, aka Matox, has grown up at Saint-Céré, France, near the alelier of Jean Lurçat. He studied at the University of Toulouse, now he lives at Eus, a famous village in the French Catalonia. He draws since he was a child and paint since the 80s. His paintings have evolutes, from body diagrams to expressive abstracts textures. The basic line is the principal structure of his work.
Street art, urban art of the streets of Lisbon and Barcelona, and rupest art of his Quercy’s roots have influenced his graffiti work. Bombing art, spray and calligraphy are explored in abstract and expressionist paintings. Tribal Graffiti, Webtagging and laser tagging are for him new ways of expression. His work is showed in many projects, principally in the area of Post Graffiti events and multimedia installations all around Europe.