Le designer lillois Thomas Hourdain vient de lancer le concept du Sapinos. Entièrement personnalisable et facile à monter, le Sapinos mesure 40cm de haut, 20cm à la base et est proposé pour le lancement customisé par des artistes : Ant, Atomic, Codel, Fakir, Ice Cream, Kval, Lady Shove, Loeilpartoo, Mahon, Pikartzö, Sergio Mancini, Skwak, Suckaz, TC et Tokiocandies. Edition Limitée à 50 exemplaires par modèle. Superbe concept pour les égayer une pièce pour Noël.
New concept launched by the designer Thomas Hourdain, Sapinos measures 40cm hight for a base of 20cm, it’s completely customizable and easy to assemble. Sapinos is the perfect Christmas Tree for all the small spaces that do not like needles ! The young designer proposes this year for the launch of product this Artists Series including about fifteen models realized by French, Italian or still Brazilian graphic designers in association with The Dirty Cream.Selected artists : Codel, Fakir, Lady Shove, Skwak, Ant (Pandacrew), Ice Cream, Loeilpartoo, TC, Suckaz, Sergio Mancini, Atomic, Kval, Mahon, Pikartzö, Rubens Cantuni (TokyoCandies). Limited Edition to 50 copies by model.
AntAtomicCodelFakirgraphicsIce CreamKvalLady ShoveLoeilpartooMahonPikartzöSapinosSergio ManciniSkwakSuckazTCTokiocandies