Ivan Cazzola est un photographe qui travaille depuis beaucoup d’années pour des magazines de mode. Cet artiste contemporain et polyvalent réalise aussi des clip vidéo, des documentaire et des courtmetrages. Ses photos explorent des mondes différents et qui ont comme modèle ses amis, des artistes, des groupes rock, des stars de cinéma, des bohémiens, des voyous, des dames chic, des prostituées… Et vont de l’intime à l’ insolence, au ton ironique et provocateur.
Ivan Cazzola is a photographer who works since a lot of years for magazines and fashion labelspassying by Milan, London, Paris and New York. This contemporary and versatile artist he is also a video clip, documentary and short film director. With his shots he has explored different worlds, from the closer and autobiographical reality of friend’s shots to models, artists, rock bands, cinema stars, gipsys and gangastars, posh ladyes, whores and transexuals. The leitmotif of so different experiences is his personal eye through the lens that could be sometimes intimal, sometimes insolent, but always original, ironic and provocating. Actually he is working to his first movie and preparing a photo exhibition with his most rapresentative shots that will regard american and european cities wherein we works.