Après la diffusion de Home et les précédents produits qui sont venues soutenir la sortie du film, voici le cabas imaginé par Hussein Chalayan. Ce it-bag écolo a voulu mettre à l’honneur les animaux menacées dans un patchwork imprimé sur ce joli sac. L’ensemble des profits réalisés par la vente de ce sac seront versées à l’association GoodPlanet. Le sac sera en disponible en exclusivité mi-juillet sur le site TheCorner.
Following the release of Home and the previous products that have been supporting the film’s release, here is the tote bag designed by Hussein Chalayan. The Hussein Chalayan HOME tote bag was thoughts about global warming and its effect on the animal kingdom. This was reflected in a print that shows endangered animal species with extinct animals that have been blanked out. All profits from the sale of this bag will be made to the association GoodPlanet. Starting from mid-July, the tote bag will be a worldwide exclusive from TheCorner.
Hussein Chalayan HOME tote bag
By viacomit, in Today's, Design, Style. Monday July 6th, 2009