L’Ural est une marque d’origine soviétique, importée en France dans les années 1970. Le fameux constructeur de motos et side-cars russe renouvèle sa gamme et s’ouvre aux dernières technologies. Ainsi, Ural utilise des composants en provenance de fabricants de renom, comme Brembo, Ducati Energia, Sachs, Herzog, Denso, Keihin… Les sorties de la Ural Patrol T et du Ural Limited Edition 10/09 « Red October » sont des bons exemples de se sublime design retro avec une touche de modernité qui remporte un grand succès à l’international.
Ci-dessous/Below – Ural Patrol T
Ural is a Russian maker of heavy motorcycles. In 1940, the Soviet Union acquired the design and production techniques for BMW R 71 motorcycles and sidecars. The first M-72 model was finished in 1941. Ural is the only Russian manufacturer of heavy capacity motorcycles, and one of few manufacturers of sidecar motorcycles in the world. Besides sales of Ural motorcycles on the Russian market, they have also been exported to Australia, Britain, the United States, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Egypt, Iran, South Africa, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and numerous other countries. Over 3.2 million motorcycles have been delivered since the first M-72 rolled off the production floor. The future looks bright for Ural, constantly improving its role as versatile and economical form of transport that is fun to ride and easy to maintain. The story is far from over, the evidence with the louch of Ural Patrol T and Ural 10/09 Limited Edition « Red October » timeless retro look.
Ci-dessous/Below – Ural Limited Edition 10/09 « Red October »
The Ural limited edition 2009 « Red October » sits lower than the standard Ural.18 inch wheels instead of the common 19 inch ones and the lower mounted sidecar along with the bright red paint gives an aggressive stance even when stationary. The lower centre of gravity also enhances cornering stability at higher speeds. As always on Ural limited editions there are many small detailed changes to enhance the overall theme: The « Red October » will be equipped with the reverse gear lever on the fuel tank, retro style round sidecar lights, discreet luggage rack behind the riders seat and another on the boot of the sidecar, and a small practical steel box on the back of the sidecar with a unique mark, which somehow indicates the real origin of all Ural bikes.This Ural celebrates the contrast between the soft matt black on all frame parts and the bright gloss red of the body parts. The Hunt for Red October is now on! Not more than 30 units will be launched from the Ural dockyards in October 2009.