Il y a cinquante ans exactement le designer britannique Gerald Holtom a créé ce qui allait devenir le symbole de la paix internationale et le logo le plus connu au monde. Mais seulement voila peu de gens connaissant la vraiment la signification et d’où il vient.
Exactly fifty years ago British designer Gerald Holtom created what would become the international peace symbol. On February 21, 1958 the Royal College of Art trained artist designed a logo for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, the start of the British peace movement. While it looks like a stylized B-52 bomber or a chicken’s foot, Holtom said the symbol was inspired by the semaphoric signals for the letters “N” and “D”. They stand for “Nuclear Disarmament”. The symbol was first used on Trafalgar Square during a peace march in London.
En savoir plus : The CND logo et Tribute to the Peace Symbol and the Peace Sign