Il y a quelques jours je vous avais présenté la nouvelle campagne vidéo Levis pour son modèle phare le 501. Cette vidéo nous montre un jeune homme qui enfile son 501. Quand il le monte jusqu’aux genoux, une cabine téléphonique surgie en plein milieu de son appartement avec une jeune fille à l’intérieur… Et bien une deuxième version avec un charmant jeune homme existe… « the idea for the dual ads emerged from
a tight budget, but later the concept took on greater meaning. ‘At first it made us parse the thought of, what does that say? We’re not spending as much money as we ought to do a dedicated commercial for the gay market. But (then) we thought, if we’re going to do an ad for them, they deserve the same production values. … So doing the same commercial with different endings seemed to us to be a message about absolute equality. » [Levi’s Marketing VP Robert Cameron pour Ad Age].
Gay and Straight Versions of Same TV Commercial Produced
Levi’s latest round of TV commercials for its 501 jeans line features the same commercial produced in two different versions — one for straight audiences, the other for the gay demographic. The gay version premiered exclusively on MTV’s Logo network, whose programming is aimed at the gay community. And while this dual TV commercial concept was recently utilized in TV spots for travel site Orbitz with marionette puppets, the Levi’s ads are believed to be the first to use real humans in the same way. ( Via :